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50 | été 2003
La mise à l'écart des étrangers. (2/2)

Les effets du Visa Schengen
The exclusion of foreigners : the effects of the Schengen visa
Bajo la dirección de Elspeth Guild y Didier Bigo

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Créditos: Visa Schengen (D. R.)
198 p.-18,30€
ISBN 2-7475-5162-8

The in-depth study of consular instructions and practices reveals certain contradictions. They oscillate between an increasing freedom of movement and Kafkaesque situations generating arbitrary decisions and reinforcing the frustrations of those who are deprived of the right to travel. Indeed, the latter are often considered too poor or part of a group placed under suspicion in the name of the fight against terrorism or migratory risk. This issue shows clearly a new bipolarity between the rich and the unwanted. The analysis of mutual distrust between European states, who are unable to agree on how to manage what they are afraid of, also shows how non-specified enemies are designated among these unwanted. These perceived enemies are no longer limited to States, but also individuals or suspected minorities.

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